So much to do, so little time

Welcome back!  It’s been a while since we posted an update here, but only because Skoop! has been busier than ever these past few weeks, working overtime on new projects, traveling around and spreading the word at a bunch of great events, and – of course – signing up brand new clients, from schools and restaurants to singer-songwriters and museums.  We’ve even launched our corporate website,  It’s been a crazy (but fun!) month.  Read on for some of the highlights.

Starting in early May, Skoop! began testing its groundbreaking Fundraising Platform, which gives nonprofit organizations the ability to raise funds by sending text message-based coupons from neighborhood merchants to the nonprofit’s opted-in membership.

SKOOP-Master-Logo Fundaising

These merchants – local restaurants, salons, bookstores, pizzerias, etc. – pay the nonprofit for the ability to deliver an exclusive deal to the nonprofit’s membership.  With the Fundraising Platform, a member doesn’t have to donate anything to support their organization…they just have to sign up!  It’s a win-win-win: the nonprofit raises money, the membership receives exclusive deals from their favorite local merchants, and the merchants get new customers.  Cool, huh?

It has been received warmly by the schools, churches, and community/civic glennwood artsorganizations that have signed up so far.  One of our favorite Fundraising Platform users is Glenwood Arts, an awesome new community arts center on the North Shore of Long Island.  We were at their fun-filled opening gala on May 9th to help sign up new members.

Check out clips from the night below and visit their website to learn how to sign up to their Skoop! campaign.

Skoop! also made an appearance at the HIA Business Trade Show & Conference on May 21st, and provided text message alert services for the show.  We had a great time networking and meeting some really solid, like-minded companies.

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Representing the Skoop! brand at the show

Mr. Skoop! received a lot of well-deserved attention

Mr. Skoop! received a lot of well-deserved attention

Like the title above says, there’s so much to do and so little time.  We have many more exciting things to share here, but we’ll save them for another time and another post (very soon!).  There are some really big things ahead, so stay tuned.

Until then, keep leaving us comments, signing up to Skoop! campaigns, and visiting us on Facebook.  See you soon!


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